To advance APEGGA’s mission by facilitating information exchange between members, Council, and the public on all matters relating to the professions of engineering, geology and geophysics.



To generally represent the Association within the designated geographic area of the branch and, specifically, on matters as may be designated by Council.
To provide an effective liaison between the members of the branch and the Council of APEGGA to facilitate communications between members and Council.
To promote interest and participation by members in APEGGA activities, objectives and current issues.
To promote public interest and awareness in the Association and in the professions of engineering, geology and geophysics.
To inform students and educators about careers in the professions of engineering, geology and geophysics.
To assist individual members as may be necessary in their dealings with the Association.



Actively promote and facilitate communication between members and Council on matters relating to the administration of the professions and concerns of individual members.
Arrange business meetings seminars, forums and other activities for professional, education and fellowship development.
Provide career counselling services to inform students and educators at all levels about careers in the professions of engineering, geology and geophysics.
Attendance by the branch chairman or alternate at meetings of the Council, the Annual General Meeting, and other appropriate activities.
Encourage members to participate in the business and activities of the Association.
Promote understanding of the professions by demonstrating practical application of engineering, geology and geophysics to students, educators and the public.
Undertake other activities as may be deemed appropriate.



Refer to the Branch Bylaws of the Association and any Supplementary Bylaws approved for individual branches.


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