Central Alberta Branch
Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 9, 2001

5:30 p.m., Red Deer College
Arts Centre Conference Room
Red Deer, Alberta

Present: Blair Boudreau - MBA, P.Eng., Rod Collins - P.Eng., Bob Demcoe - C.A., P,Eng., Chris Dedeurwaerder - E.I.T., Elisabeth Dupuis - P.Eng, Rick Granberg - P.Eng., Arun Mishra - Ph.D., P.Eng., Kim Ng - C.Chem, P.Eng., Peter Stevens - P.Eng., Andrew Poole - P.Eng., Deepika Shah-Lahoti - E.I.T.,

Regrets: Gerry Pyper - P.Eng.,

Recording Secretary: Blair Boudreau - MBA, P.Eng.,

1) The meeting was called to order by the Chair - Kim H. Ng, C.Chem, P.Eng. at approximately 5:30 PM.

2) Agenda was approved

3) Approved the minutes for theDecember 05, 2000 meeting.

4) Business Arising:

4.1) Treasurer's Report: We have $1434.71 in the account. Rec night was essentially
a break even event

4.2) Student Outreach Coordinator Report: No activity over the holidays. The only outstanding request is for a presentation in Consort. Andrew will pursue members in the area (Subject : Buildings and Building materials)

4.3) Chamber of Commerce Events Update: No activity over the holidays. Beef and Puck event in January (Steak and Rebels game)

4.4) APEGGA Relevance Presentation- Cancelled. May be combined with President's visit.

5) New Business

5.1) Branch Rec Night: Event went very well. 12 attendees.

5.2) Collicut Tour: Collicut Hanover tour: Proceeding as planned. Jan 16, 7-9pm. Kim H. Ng, C.Chem, P.Eng. will arrange for a plaque and gifts for our hosts.

5.3) Upcoming Events: President's Visit ( Tues Feb. 6). Black Night Inn was chosen as the venue. Ticket price $25. Two life members will be inducted. One attendee confirmed the other is still outstanding. Have not yet received the list of new members.

· Student Night: March 6. Arun has arranged for a speaker.

· PD Day: April 7. Program will be developed at the February meeting. Arun will book the college facilities.

5.4) Tech Course:
ASET has some upcoming tours. Info to follow shortly.

5.5) Volunteer Organization Update:
TETRA still looking for volunteers. Mechanical and Electrical Engineers.

5.6) Noteworthy:
CONGRATULATIONS to Andrew Poole on receiving his P. Eng.

6) Next Meeting on February 13, 2001:
At RDC Arts Centre Conference Room @ 7:00 p.m.

7) Next Recorder: Chris Dedeurwaerder - E.I.T

8) Motion to Adjourn approved.