Lethbridge Branch
Activity Report to Council
JUNE, 2001

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June 2001


April 21st, 2001 - June 11th, 2001


· The Branch Executive met May 22nd to finalize details for the remainder of the events planned prior to summer.

· The first family picnic in many years was held on Thursday May 31st, with nearly sixty adults and children attending. It was a great success, and we're all looking forward to our next family events.

· We presented our Apegga Teacher Award to Ms. Peggy Au, a chemistry teacher at Winston Churchill High School on June 1st. A celebratory lunch is being planned.

· Our Annual General Meeting was held Monday June 11th, with thirty members in attendance. Our new executive was duly elected, with all current members returning for another year of service. Two new members at large were also elected. The election results were as follows:

Branch Chair: John Take, P.Eng.
Past Chair: Norbert Bohnert, P.Eng.
Vice Chair: Doug Hawkins, P.Eng.
Secretary: Adam McDonald, EIT
Treasurer: Elisabeth Van Mill, P.Eng.
Members at Large: Bill Little, P.Eng.
Jozef Prozniak, P.Eng.
Rod MacLean, P.Eng.
Mark Bellamy, P.Eng.
Becki Stewart, EIT
Bruce Thurber, P.Eng.
Mike Koziol, P.Eng. (NEW)
Mike Van Doorn, EIT (NEW)

A highlight of our AGM was the interesting address by home-town President Dale Miller, P.Eng. on issues he expects to arise during his term in office.


· Annual Golf Tournament - June 29th, 2001