Question is:
"Do you favour a published listing in which the amount of the gift is indicated?"


43% 9 votes for Yes
28% 4 votes for No
12% 2 votes for Don't Know

Donors generally want their donations acknowledged, not only with a receipt for income tax purposes, with thanks, but in a more public listing of donors.

At present, the Foundation publishes a list annually in The PEGG putting donors into groups according to the amount of the donation: $0-25, $25-50, $50-100, $100-500 and over $500.

There are two schools of thought about such lists. One is that donors want the size of the gift acknowledged and that the charity stimulates some competition among donors in doing so. The other is that each gift comes from the heart and according to the means of the donor. A $50 gift from a student may be more meaningful than a $200 gift from an executive.

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