University of Alberta Student Liaison Committee
Chair: Ms. Pamela Strand, P.Geol.
Past Chair: Mr. Joel Regenstreif, P. Eng.
APEGGA Members: Mr. Scott Arndt, P.Eng.
  Mr. Martin Belanger, P.Eng.
  Mr. Jose Filho, P.Eng.
  Dr. Ken Porteous, P.Eng.
Engineering Students Society (ESS): Mr. David Weppler, President
Mr. Josh Brazin, VP External
P.S. Warren Geological Society: Ms. Cynthia Hagstrom, VP External
University of Alberta Undergraduate
Geophysics Society (UAUGS):
Mr. Jeff Patra, Vice President
Ms. Jesse Arthur, Vice President
Executive Director's designate responsible for committee:
  Mr. Len Shrimpton, P.Eng.
  Mrs. Flo Primeau

University of Calgary Student Liaison Committee
Chair: Mr. Don Towson, P.Eng.

Past Chair:

Mr. Steve Giacomin, P.Eng.
APEGGA Members: Ms. Geri De La Mare, P.Eng.
  Ms. Nicole Dyok, E.I.T.
  Dr. Larry Lines, P.Geoph.
  Mr. Nasser Rabbani, P.Eng.
  Ms. Monique Schluff Soboren, P.Eng.
  Ms. Peggy Simons, P.Eng.
  Mr. Scott Westlund, P.Eng.
Engineering Students' Society (ESS): Mr. Keith Knudsen, President
Mr. Aidan Gannon, VP Academic
Rundle Group:

Mr. Ryan Mitton, President
Mr. Andrew Watts, VP Finance
Mr. Domi Diaz, VP Events
Ms. Carmen Brown, VP Academic

Geophysics Undergraduates Students' Society (GUSS): Mr. Mike Carnduff, President
Ms. Ellen Bloomfield, Secretary
Mr. Craig Bateman, Events
Ms. Belinda Janse, Treasurer
Ms. Tess Sebastian, 2nd & 3rd Rep
Executive Director's designates responsible for committee:
  Ms. Carmen Killick

Terms of Reference

Purpose To advise and assist the Executive Director (or designate) in carrying out APEGGA's program to enhance the professional development of university students enrolled in engineering, geology or geophysics.

I Program Goals

1. To stimulate student interest in and understanding of the role of APEGGA as their professional association.

2. To support student activities.

3. To provide opportunities for students to interact with professional members.

4. To assist in the professional development of University students.

II Committee Activities

1. Provide speakers and deliver lectures as necessary and co-coordinate 4th year courses on APEGGA, professionalism, ethics Provide articles for student newspapers.

2. Provide financial assistance for ongoing student society operations, special dinners, guest lecturers, attendance at interprovincial competitions. Assist students in organizing and promoting their events.

3. Organize student mixers and "get hired" workshops with student societies, technical societies, faculty members and APEGGA members.
University Student Liaison Committee

III Committee Structure and Operations

1. The committee is comprised of a Chair and other members as required to carry out the committee activities.

2. The Chair and committee members are appointed by the Executive Director (or designate) in consultation with the outgoing Chair.

3. Appointments are normally for three years, with approximately one-third being replaced each year.

3. The committee reports to the Executive Director (or designate).

Approved by Council on September 21, 2000