Guidelines for Referees

APEGGA offers 12 scholarships to Alberta highschool graduates entering the Faculty of Engineering or Departments of Geology or Geophysics at the University of Alberta or University of Calgary, or entering other universities or colleges in Alberta offering transfer programs into these disciplines. Each scholarship is valued at $2,000.

The applicants are required to arrange for three letters of reference to accompany the application. To assist us, please address the following topics:

1. How long have you known the student?

2. The nature of your association e.g. teacher, family friend, professional (doctor, pastor,
APEGGA member).

3. The Preamble to the APEGGA Code of Ethics states that "Professional Engineers,
Geologists and Geophysicists shall recognize that professional ethics is founded upon
integrity, competence and devotion to service and to the advancement of human welfare".

Can you comment on the individual's:

a) moral standards and personal ethics
b) leadership potential
c) communications skills
d) relationship with peers and elders
e) level of interest in practical application of mathematics and sciences
f) extracurricular activities
g) other

4. Summary statement on why you believe that the individual is a person of outstanding merit, and a good applicant for this province-wide scholarship competition.

N.B. If the applicant is precluded from participating in extracurricular activities for health, financial reasons or other extenuating circumstances, please note this in your remarks.