(For more information contact Michael Spllinter, Program Manager, ERM, Tel: (780) 492-3035,E-Mail:

September 2000

Global Positioning Systems/GIS - The Fundamentals Online (8429)

10 weeks starting Sept. 11, Via the Internet, If you or your organization collects spatial information - GPS/GIS The Fundamentals Online is for you. Offered entirely via the Internet, this course will provide you with an understanding of the global positioning system (GPS) and its use and applications. Learn about associated technologies including geographic information systems (GIS), lasers and aerial photogrammetry. Applications in the area of agriculture, environmental science and forestry will be utilized. Instructor: Jeff Thurston. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

Environmental Geology (8454)

7 Tues. evening starting Sept. 12, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Environmental Geology is the study of the Earth's environment from a geologic perspective. It explores the effect of humankind's activities on the surface environment. The earth's underlying formations impact much of what humankind does. Surficial and subsurface geologic formations effect our water use, water and subsurface pollution, and waste disposal options. This course will introduce you to the geologic formations in Alberta and how those formations present environmental problems and opportunities. Instructors: Mark Fenton & Laurence Andriashek. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

Environmental Management Systems (8460) (ERM Cert icon)

7 Weds. evenings starting Sept. 13, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Unlock the potential that an Environmental Management System (EMS) can bring to your organization. You will explore the industry accepted EMS formats focusing on ISO14000 and by class end will have begun the process of developing an EMS for your company or organization. Instructor: David Ho. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

Wetlands Ecology and Remediation (8459)

Sept. 21 to 23, University of Alberta, Edmonton, This course will examine the importance of wetlands and how they function in the ecosystem. You will look at techniques to remediate damaged wetlands and water courses, including restoration of vegetation and wetland function. You will also learn about the use of wetlands in the treatment of contaminated water. Instructor: Lee Foote. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

Introduction to GIS Using ArcView (8424)

Sept. 23 & 24, University of Alberta, Edmonton, ArcView is a powerful program with capabilities and features to view, analyse and unite ARC/INFO geographic data from many sources, as well as with tabular data from various database management systems. Learn to navigate and utilize the ArcView interface to integrate and display data, formulate complex spatial queries, and format output to create customized maps and charts. Instructor: Bruce Dahms. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

Fundamentals of GIS (8421)

Sept. 28 to 30, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Enhance the performance of your measuring, mapping, modeling, and monitoring by tapping the power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Learn the concepts that drive GIS, the basics of cartography, and the differences between various GIS packages. Instructor: Erik Ellehoj. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

October 2000

Environmental Law (8450)

Oct. 19 to 22, University of Alberta, Edmonton, If you make decisions that impact the environment, natural resources and wildlife, it’s important to have an understanding of laws and regulations governing the environment. Offering an overview of key legislation in Alberta and Canada affecting environmental management, this course examines how the law impacts environmental practitioners. Note: this course in not intended as an in-depth review of any specific legislation. Instructor: Larry Reynolds. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

Conflict and Confrontation (8481)

Oct. 23 & 24, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Learn and practice how to approach emotional situations calmly and to turn avoidance into conflict resolution. Explore the basic types of conflict and conflict styles, and learn how to practice active listening, conflict mediation, and more. Learn and practice skills and strategies for positive conflict mediation. Instructor: Don Melnychuk. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

Applied Vegetative Reclamation (8464)

Oct. 26 to 28, University of Alberta, Edmonton, This course will introduce you to revegetation and other topics: species selection; seeding and planting; seedbed and site preparation; measurements and monitoring (both short and long term); phytoremediation; management (includes pesticides, herbicides mechanical measures). Instructor: David Walker. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

Computer Assisted Project Planning (8489)

Oct. 27 & 28, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Effective project management, whether in construction, environment or business, is critical to ensure success. Gain an advantage by learning to use project management software to assist your planning, scheduling, and drafting of reports. This course uses MS Project 98. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

Principles of Ecosystems (8452)

8 Tues. evenings starting Oct. 31, University of Alberta, Edmonton Ecosystems are affected by everything we do. This course introduces you to Alberta's major ecosystems and the affect of outside factors on them. Learn how these ecosystems develop, function, and are modified by the major industries in Alberta. You will also be introduced to environmental ethics and the need to consider them when making decisions that impact our environment. Instructor: Bruce Macnab. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site: This course is also available via the Internet – see web site for details

November 2000

Environmental Audits (8462) (ERM Cert icon)

Nov. 2 to 4, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Environmental auditors are in rapidly growing demand. Environmental auditing is a management tool increasingly used by organisations to verify that the organisation is meeting its environmental obligations. It is also an essential element of an environmental management system and a primary driver of continuous improvement. This course will provide the student with the skills and knowledge to undertake effective environmental audits that will provide many benefits to their organisation. Instructor: Kevin Dunn. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site:

Coping with Stress (8480)

Nov. 7, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Don’t let stress jeopardize workplace health, safety and productivity. You will learn about the sources of stress, understand the consequences and develop an action plan to cope with occupational stress. Learn how to manage anger and anxiety, solve problems, use relaxation techniques, develop the wellness triangle and practice stress reduction. Instructor: Don Melnychuk. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web

Be an Effective Expert Witness (8497)

Nov. 17 & 18, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Are you interested in or required to appear as an expert witness before courts or administrative tribunals in matters involving the environment, public health or natural resources? If so it is critical for you to understand how to be an effective witness. This course offers an overview of trial and hearing processes, examines the role of the expert witness in these processes and provides "hands-on" instruction in how to effectively perform this role. Instructor: Larry Reynolds. For more information contact Sheila Greenberg at 780 492-3029, email:, web site: