February 2004, Tuesday
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Location: Room 111, Red Deer Provincial Bldg., 4920 - 51 Street, Red Deer
Central Alberta Branch's series of "Lunchtime Forum" events, held every first Tuesday of the month -

Kimberlitic pipes (where diamonds are generally found) were first discovered in Alberta in 1989. To September, 2003, a total of 48 pipes have been discovered in three separate areas in the "northern Alberta kimberlite province", by six different companies or joint ventures. The Buffalo Head Hills area has the highest diamond content results so far, with three of the pipes containing estimated diamond grades of more than 11 carats per hundred tones. It is very likely that, with continued exploration, Alberta will have an important economic deposit in its future.

Roy Eccles, P.Geol., of Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, will present details of the history of the search for diamonds in Alberta, what information has been accumulated so far, and what the future of Alberta may be with further discoveries.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 3, 2004
TIME: 12:10 pm - 12:50 pm

PARKING: south side: limited angle parking, north side: limited visitor parking

Cost: Free, BYO lunch

If you have questions, contact:Peter Stevens, P.Eng., (Phone: 403-340-7737 or Email: Peter.Stevens@gov.ab.ca)

Mark your calendar: CAB's next "Lunchtime Forum" is March 2, 2004 (in Red Deer): "Special Areas Water Supply Project", by Andrew Durham, P.Eng., Alberta Environment.

Did you know? Central Alberta Branch's AGM and President's Visit is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, February 3, 2004.

Location: Red Deer Lodge, Gull Lake Room
You are cordially invited to participate in Central Alberta Branch's 2004 AGM, scheduled for Tuesday, February 3. You will also have the opportunity to meet and hear from APEGGA's President, Mike Smyth, P.Eng and Executve Director, Neil Windsor, P.Eng.. Come meet your fellow members, talk to your President, and discover what APEGGA has been doing locally and provincially!

Elections for our 2004 CAB executive will be held during the AGM. Nominations for executive positions will be accepted before and at the AGM. The slate of candidates will be finalized at the meeting.

$30.00 Members & Guests
$25.00 Students
AGM only: no charge

6:00pm Cocktails (cash bar)
6:30pm Dinner - Roast Prime Rib**
7:30pm President's and Executive Director's messages
7:50pm Lifetime Members Ceremony
8:00pm Inductees Ceremony
8:20pm Voluntary Service Awards
8:30pm AGM and Elections

** if you have dietary restrictions, please contact Peter Stevens

REGISTRATION: must be received by Shirley Layne no later than 4:00pm, Friday, January 30, 2004. To register: mail the registration form http://www.apegga.org/aboutapegga/branches/events/central/CABagm03.pdf to: Shirley Layne, CMP - Special Events Coordinator, APEGGA - 2003 CAB AGM, 1500 Scotia One, 10060 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4A2; or fax the registration form to 780-425-1722

If you have questions about the President's visit or about the elections, contact Peter Stevens, P.Eng. (phone 403-340-7737 or email peter.stevens@gov.ab.ca). Check APEGGA.org for APEGGA news and Central Alberta Branch activities!

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For Information on this Calendar, contact: Barbara Jensen  Created By Grafix NetCalendar Licensed To: APEGGA