February 2003, Tuesday
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Central Alberta Branch is continuing its series of "Lunchtime Forum" events, held every first Tuesday of the month.

At this Lunchtime Forum, "Kyoto Accord - Albertans and Climate Change: Taking Action", will be presented by Don MacDonald, P.Geol., Alberta Environment. Don will provide some background of the Kyoto Accord, describe Alberta Environment's Climate Change Strategic Directions, and explain Alberta's action plan. This information will be particularly useful to those in, and affected by, the environment and energy sectors. Following the presentation, Don will be happy to answer your questions.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 4, 2003, 12:10 pm - 1:00pm

WHERE: Room 111, Red Deer Provincial Bldg. 4920 - 51 Street
Red Deer

PARKING: south side: limited angle parking , north side: limited visitor parking

Cost: Free, BYO lunch

If you have questions, contact: Peter Stevens, P.Eng. (Phone: 403-340-7737 or Email: peter.stevens@gov.ab.ca)

Mark your calendar: CAB's next "Lunchtime Forum" is Tuesday, March 4, 2003 (in Red Deer): "Cleaning up Contaminated Service Station Sites", by Karen Gervais, Alberta Environment

Annual General Meeting and President's Visit

Central Alberta Branch has adopted the calendar year as the new operating year, commencing in 2003. As such, your AGM is scheduled early in the year, and coincides with the visit by Ron Tenove, P.Eng, APEGGA President and past Chair of Central Alberta Branch. You are cordially invited to attend. Come meet your fellow members, talk to your President, and discover what APEGGA has been doing locally and provincially.

Elections for our 2003 CAB executive will be held during the AGM. Nominations for executive positions will be accepted until the AGM. The current candidate slate is attached for your information.

LOCATION: Red Deer Lodge, Red Deer Room
DATE: Tuesday, February 4, 2003
Cost: $25.00 Members & Guests
$20.00 Students
AGM only: no charge

REGISTRATION: must be received by Shirley Layne no later than 4:00pm, Thursday, January 30, 2003.

To register contact Shirley Layne, CMP - Special Events Coordinator, APEGGA - Attention: Shirley Layne, CMP - Special Events Coordinator
FAX: (780) 425-1722

If you have questions about the President's visit, contact Peter Stevens, P.Eng. phone 403-340-7737 or email peter.stevens@gov.ab.ca)
If you have questions about the election, contact Kim H. Ng, P.Eng.
phone 403-885-7283 or email ngkh@dow.com)

Download the registration form in pdf format.

11:30 am Registration
12:00 pm Luncheon
12:35 pm President's Address

Crowne Plaza Chateau Lacombe - Salon B, 10111 Bellamy Hill

APEGGA is very active in the dynamics of our professions dealing with provincial and national issues on behalf of our members. President Ron Tenove, P.Eng. will provide highlights of those activities of most importance to our professional engineers, geologists and geophysicists.

Come and chat with your President!

$24.00 Members & Guests by January 30
$30.00 Members & Guests after January 30
$12.00 Students by January 30
$17.00 Students after January 30

To register, please contact:

Shirley Layne, CMP
Tel: 426-3990
Email: slayne@apegga.org

Payment can be made in advance by credit card:
· MasterCard
· American Express

As another venue for APEGGA members to learn and network with fellow members, the "Lunchtime Form" series of presentations are scheduled for the lunch hour on the first Tuesday of the month, at the Red Deer Provincial Building.

Notices are emailed one week in advance of the event, to APEGGA members residing within the Central Alberta Branch area. If you wish to receive these notices, please provide your email address to: slayne@APEGGA.org, and state the reason for providing your email address.

Scheduled Presentations (subject to change):

· February 4, 2003: "The Impacts of Kyoto Ratification on Alberta", by TBA, Alberta Environment

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For Information on this Calendar, contact: Barbara Jensen  Created By Grafix NetCalendar Licensed To: APEGGA