APEGGA is working hard in several areas for its members. President Dale Miller, P. Eng., will discuss some of these items and provide an inside look at issues that are, and continue to be important to the membership. Among others, these topics include:
¨ How relevant is APEGGA, do we need higher levels of certification?
¨ How the pride, prestige and respect for members could be further enhanced in public?
¨ Are there other issues that you wish to discuss with the President?
Additionally, the evening will be marked by the induction ceremony of the new professional members. Here is a chance for APEGGA members in Brooks and surrounding areas to attend without having to drive all the way to Medicine Hat.
Where: CFB Suffield Officers' Mess, Located at the CFB Suffield Base
6:00 p.m. Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres
7:00 p.m. Dinner
8:30 p.m. AGM and Induction of new members
8:45 p.m. Presidents Address
10:00 p.m. Conclusion
Cost: $15.00 Members/Guests
Dress: Semi-Formal ( business suit, sports jacket and tie or sports jacket and turtleneck)
Menu: Appetizer, Main Course, Dessert and Wine
DUE TO SECURITY REQUIREMENTS AT THE BASE RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY THE DEADLINE. NO LATE REGISTRATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. Exact name of attendees must be supplied and photo ID with matching name must be presented at the base for entry.
Please RSVP by Noon, Wednesday, February 20, by contacting one of the following:
Dan Lorden, P. Eng. - Canadian Fertilizers Ltd. - 527-8887 EXT: 303
Sheldon Dattenberger, P. Eng. - Bromley Mechanical - 526-3142/ 548-4124 sheldon.d@bromleymechanical.com
Jim Creybohm, P. Eng.: - Prolift - 362-3428/793-1536, jcreybohn@cefranklin.com