July 2004, Saturday
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Location: Fairview Golf Club (near Fairview)
You are invited to: the Peace River Branch – Annual Golf Tournament, Saturday, July 24, 2004

APEGGA/ASET members and their guests welcome

Cost: $45/person, includes 18 holes of golf (best-ball), prizes and steak dinner. Steak dinner only is $20/person (dinner at approx 6:30pm). Limited power cart rentals are available ($24), call Fairview Golf Course to arrange.

Register early as space is limited to about 40 golfers, sign-up deadline is July 19/04, first tee-off is at 1:00 pm. Please confirm your attendance by contacting:

- Darwin Juell at 538-0306 work, 538-9150 home, or djuell@cityofgp.com

- Sherry Samborski at 780-834-0130 work, 538-4787 home, or rsambors@telusplanet.net

After July 19/04 you will be responsible for payment as we must confirm the final numbers for golf and dinner. No cancellations after July 19, substitutes are welcome

We really need a HAND with sponsorship as fabulous GOLF PRIZES are primarily available through corporate donations. Please call either Darwin or Sherry to arrange for any prizes or donations.

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For Information on this Calendar, contact: Barbara Jensen  Created By Grafix NetCalendar Licensed To: APEGGA