LOCATION: At the new Holiday Inn, 8200 Franklin Ave.
TIME: 8:30 AM Registration
9:00 AM - 16:00 PM Seminars
COST: $120.00 per person includes Seminars, Breaks & Lunch
(Cheques should be made payable to APEGGA - Fort McMurray Branch)
Presenters: Bruce Lee, President, Custom Learning Systems Group Ltd.
Lisa Brown, President, Brown Performance Institute
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon
Time and Meeting Management
Bruce Lee
12:00 noon to 13:00 PM
Lunch Break
13:00 PM to 16:00 PM
Mental Toughness Training for Success
Lisa Brown
Please pre-register by October 28, 2002 by contacting one of the Branch Executive Members. For Tickets contact:
Louise Michaud 713-4429
Jacob Oommachan 713-3911
Paul Hagar 790-5885
Rattan Garcha 790-4830
Mitch Azmier. 790-5271
Kim Farwell 790-5859
Anne Simpson 790-6465
Prakash Mullick 791-9176
Mike Sneath 790-7845
Irfan Ahmad 713-4939
Christophe Durieu 790-7094
Vic Saari 799-0235
John Huntly 799-0235
Kamal Hammad 790-4811
Bruce Durnford 790-8278
Hassan Holepota 713-6011
Ramesh Kaladi 790-7206