"Awarded to members of APEGGA who are recognized by their peers for their integrity, expertise and outstanding accomplishments in fields related to engineering, geology or geophysics."

Nominees for this award should have a high level of competence in their field and should normally have been APEGGA members for at least ten years.

The Award was named after Frank Spragins, P.Eng., APEGGA President, 1975.

Frank Spragins was a driving force behind the Syncrude heavy oil sands project, which is recognized as the largest industrial project ever to be undertaken in Canada. His personal qualities of vigor, imagination, courage, endurance and his negotiating skills were critical to its success.


APEGGA member for at least ten years

Degrees and dates

Previous APEGGA awards

Field of expertise and/or accomplishments

Integrity ( moral - ethical)

Other factors (professional papers, meritorious work, public profile, APEGGA committees, etc.)


The theme is recognition of technical integrity and expertise as a result of the efforts by/of the nominee.


Complete the nomination form in full and attach documents describing the nominee and his/her achievements which, in the opinion of the nominator, qualify the nominee for the award, together with such supporting evidence as the nominator may wish the Honours and Awards Committee to consider.

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