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Member-in-Training Program Summary

APEGGA has over 4300 Members-in-training (MITs). In response to demand from MITs and industry, APEGGA has developed a program to assist MITs in meeting the requirements for registration and in broadening the base on which they will build their careers. You can provide your feedback on this program by completing and forwarding the comment form.

Ring Workshop, Luncheon & MIT Application

Arguably the final element in the professional development program for university students, the ring workshop and luncheon can also be seen to be the beginning of the professional development period for MITs. APEGGA sponsors a morning workshop and luncheon prior to the Ring Ceremony in the afternoon. Graduates are asked to discuss and present answers to questions on case studies relevant to the material that they have covered in the fourth year on the professions and ethics.

Attendees are invited to join the Association as MITs; with first-year registration fees and member dues waived as an incentive to submit the applications that day. Through the universities, and prior to the event, students are provided with an application package which includes an MIT application form and information necessary to register as a professional member.

The fourth-year course, this event, free registration fees and free dues for the first year are key to why APEGGA captures over 90% of Alberta graduates.

Efforts continue to more formally introduce the same information to geoscience students in their fourth year as a lead up to the Ring Workshop and Luncheon.

Experience Requirements for Licensure: A Guideline for Members-in-Training, et al.

The guideline is central to MITs' understanding of the Board of Examiners' expectations once the academic requirements have been met. It details the experience criteria for licensure, suggested reporting forms and examples. It is a living document that will be revised as the program changes.

Post Graduation Reminder

Upon confirmation of graduation, graduates from Alberta universities, who applied to be MITs, will be registered as MITs. At the same time they are reminded of the need to read the information they were given prior to the Ring Workshop. Graduates are very busy preparing for final exams at the time the Ring Workshops are held and may not read the guideline in sufficient detail.

Practice of the Professions Seminar: for Out of Province Graduates

In many provinces students are not given as much information about their professional association, ethics, etc. as are Alberta graduates. This half-day seminar brings those graduates who are now living in Alberta up to the same level of understanding as Alberta graduates. It ran for the first time in Calgary and Edmonton in the fall of 1997. If demand dictates, it is presented each spring and fall in both Edmonton and Calgary.

Mid-term Review

If, two years after graduation, or after registration as an MIT, there is any uncertainty as to whether the experience you are gaining will be acceptable to the Board of Examiners, you may have a paper review of that experience. It is an informal review for guidance and does not guarantee acceptance of the experience when a formal application for professional membership is needed.

MIT Seminar(s)

A series of seminars focuses on communications skills and management skills. These are two of the five elements in the MIT's experience for which the Board is looking for evidence of exposure. Specific topics covered are Report Writing, Requirements for Licensure, Career Management and Project Management.

Instruction on law and ethics covered in the national professional practice examination does not seemed warranted because over 80% of MITs can pass the exam on the first attempt by reading the literature available from APEGGA. APEGGA continues to explore ways to put the material and test on-line but, to date, the cost, limited demand and examination security have not supported the development. You thoughts are welcome.


APEGGA is strengthening its role in this area. Since 1993 when it produced its first experience guideline, the Association has included mentoring as an important, but not mandatory, element in an MIT's development. A new guideline labelled Mentoring Guideline for Members-in-Training and Professional Members was introduced early 2000.

At its April 2002 meeting, APEGGA's Council agreed with the recommendation not to continue the promotion of a partnership between APEGGA and its permit holding companies whereby the permit holders provide mentors, mentees and cash and APEGGA provides support in terms of matching, training, manuals, ongoing support and feedback. 8 companies who agreed to take part in the pilot program are pleased with the training and support provided but there is insufficient demand to warrant the ongoing promotional cost. In lieu, APEGGA is now focusing on mentoring training for individuals which will be available through PD Days and Evenings and an enhanced web-based support for individuals and corporations. Individuals interested in being mentors or mentees and who want assistance in being matched up may fill out an application form on the website or contact Len Shrimpton, P.Eng, Director, Professional Development at 1-800-661-7020 or


A separate publication for MITs was evaluated and rejected on the basis of insufficient content. Much of interest to MITs is also of interest to Professional Members. Articles of specific interest to MITs will be published in the PEGG.