University of Alberta
University of Calgary
00-GP-F1 Introductory Calculus
MATH 100 Calculus I
MATH 114 Elementary Calculus I
MATH 113 Elementary Calculus I
MATH 117 Honours Calculus I
MATH 115 Elementary Calculus II
MATH 101 Elementary Calculus II
MATH 118 Honours Calculus II
MATH 251 Calculus I
MATH 249 Introductory Calculus
AMAT 217 Calculus for Engineers & Scientists
00-GP-F2 Linear Algebra
MATH 120 Basic Linear Algebra I
MATH 125 Linear Algebra I
MATH 211 Linear Methods I
MATH 221 Linear Algebra for Scientists & Engineers
00-GP-F3 Introductory Physics I
PHYS 102 Mechanics
PHYS 124 Particles and Waves
PHYS 144 Newtonian Mechanics and Relativity
PHYS 211 Mechanics
00-GP-F4 Introductory Physics II
PHYS 100 Wave Motion and Electricity
PHYS 126 Fluids, Fields, and Radiation
PHYS 146 Fluids and Waves
PHYS 223 Intro Electromagnetism, Fluids & Thermal Physics
00-GP-F5 General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 (Fall) Introductory University Chemistry
CHEM 103 Introductory University Chemistry I
CHEM 201 General Chemistry I
00-GP-F6 General Chemistry II
CHEM 102 (Winter) Introductory University Chemistry
CHEM 105 Introductory University Chemistry II
CHEM 203 General Chemistry II
00-GP-F7 Computing Science
CMPUT 114 Introduction
to Programming for Scientific Applications
COMP 100 Computer
Programming for Engineers
PHYS 234 Introductory Computational Physics
CPSC 215 Intro to Programming
CPSC 231 Intro to Computer Science I
00-GP-C1 Differential Equations
MATH 214 Intermediate Calculus I
MATH 253 Calculus II
AMAT 311 Differential Equations I
00-GP-C2 Intermediate Calculus
MATH 215 Intermediate Calculus II
MATH 331 Multivariate Calculus
MATH 353 Calculus IV
00-GP-C3 Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 281 Electromagnetism and Optics
PHYS 323 Optics & Electromagnetism
00-GP-C4 Vibrations, Waves and Optics
PHYS 244 Mechanics
PHYS 321 Rotation, Harmonic Motion & Waves
00-GP-C5 Physical Geology
EAS 101 Physical Geology
EAS 210 Engineering Earth Science
GLGY 201 Principles of Geology & Geophysics I
00-GP-C6 Physics of the Earth
GEOPH 221 Physics of the Earth
GOPH 359 Global Geophysics
00-GP-C7 Probability and Statistics
STAT 141 Introduction to Statistics
STAT 151 Introduction to Applied Statistics
STAT 357 Statistics for the Physical Sciences
STAT 211 Statistics 211
00-GP-C8 Integral Transform Methods
MATH 334 Advanced Calculus I
MATH 201 Differential Equations
AMAT 415 Mathematical Methods
00-GP-C9 Complex Variable Calculus
MATH 311 Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable
PMAT 421 Introduction to Complex Analysis
AMAT 415 Mathematical Methods
00-GP-C10 Database Management or Computer Graphics or Computational
CMPUT 291 Intro to File & Database Mang.
PHYS 420 Computational Physics
CPSC 471 Data Base Management Systems
CPSC 453 Computer Graphics I
PHYS 535 Computational Methods in Physics
00-GP-C11 Thermodynamics
PHYS 211 Heat, Thermodynamics & Kinetic Theory
PHYS 224 Thermal Physics
PHYS 447 Thermodynamics
00-GP-C12 Continuum Mechanics
MA PH 467 Mechanics of Deformable Media
00-GP-C13 Optics & Lasers
PHYS 362 Optics
APPH 575 Optics & Electro-Optics
00-GP-C14 Electromagnetic Theory
PHYS 381 Electromagnetic Theory I
PHYS 455 Electromagnetic Theory I
00-GP-C15 Historical Geology
EAS 103 Earth and Life Through Time
GLGY 203 Principles of Geology & Geophysics II
00-GP-C16 Crystallography and Mineralogy
EAS 224 Mineralogy I
GLGY 313 Crystallography & Optical Mineralogy
00-GP-C17 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
EAS 222 Principles of Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
EAS 231 Principles of Sedimentation
GLGY 381 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
00-GP-C18 Structural Geology
EAS 321 Structural Geology I
GLGY 341 Structural Geology
00-GP-C19 Introduction to Applied Geophysics
GEOPH 223 Environmental Monitoring & Mining Exploration Techniques
GEOPH 224 Geophysical Exploration Techniques
GOPH 355 Exploration Geophysics
00-GP-M1 Quantitative Seismology
GEOPH 421 Seismology & Physical Structure of the Earth
GOPH 551 Seismic Theory and Methods
00-GP-M2 Digital Signal Processing
GEOPH 426 Signal Analysis of Geophysical Data Sets
GOPH 557 Geophysical Data Processing
00-GP-M3 Principles of Applied Seismic Methods
GEOPH 326 Ray Seismology
GOPH 355 Exploration Geophysics
00-GP-M4 Principles of Applied Electrical and Electromagnetic
GEOPH 424 Electromagnetic and Potential Methods of Exploration
GOPH 453 Mining Geophysics
00-GP-M5 Principles of Applied Gravity and Magnetic Methods
GEOPH 325 Gravity, Magnetic and Electrical Prospecting Techniques
GOPH 547 Gravity and Magnetics
00-GP-M6 Advanced Global Geophysics, or Global Geology
GEOPH 521 Plate Tectonics and Global Dynamics
GOPH 681 Advanced Global Geophysics & Geodynamics
GLGY 555 Global Geology
00-GP-M7 Petroleum Geology
EAS 430 Petroleum Geology
EAS 431 Regional and Petroleum Hydrogeology
GLGY 577 Petroleum Geology
00-GP-M8 Metallic Mineral Deposits
EAS 433 Metalliferous Mineral Deposits
GLGY 527 Metallic Mineral Deposits
00-GP-M9 Hydrogeology
EAS 223 Introduction to Hydrogeology
GLGY 401 Physical Hydrogeology
00-GP-M10 Physical Properties of Rocks/Engineering Geology
GEOPH 332 Physical Properties of Geomaterials
MIN E 323 Rock Mechanics
GOPH 457 Physical Properties of Rocks
GLGY 571 Engineering Geology
00-GP-M11 Well Log Analysis
PET E 465 Well Logging & Formation Evaluation
EAS 424 Subsurface Geological Methods
ENPE 507 Well Logging and Formation Evaluation
00-GP-M12 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 337 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 300 Advanced Boundary Value Problems I
AMAT 413 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
00-GP-M13 Solid State Physics
PHYS 415 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics I
PHYS 507 Solid State Physics
00-GP-M14 Geostatistics
MIN E 310 Ore Reserve Estimation
MIN E 612 Geostatistical Methods for Modelling Earth Sciences
GLGY 597 Numerical Models & Geostatistics
00-GP-M15 Advanced Signal Processing
GEOPH 623 Time Sequence Analysis
GOPH 657 Seismic Signal Analysis
00-GP-M16 Advanced Seismic Methods
GEOPH 624 Theoretical Seismology I
GOPH 659 In Situ Seismic Analysis
00-GP-M17 Advanced Seismic Interpretation
GEOPH 438 Aspects of Seismic Data Processing
GOPH 559 Geophysical Interpretation
00-GP-M18 Advanced Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods and Interpretation
GEOPH 424 Electromagnetic and Potential Methods of Exploration
GOPH 653 Electromagnetic & Induced Polarization Topics
00-GP-M19 Advanced Gravity and Magnetic Methods
GEOPH 424 Electromagnetic and Potential Methods of Exploration
GOPH 547 Gravity & Magnetics
00-GP-M20 Reservoir Engineering
PET E 473 Fundamental Reservoir Engineering
ENPE 523 Reservoir Engineering I
00-GP-M21 Geophysical Field Methods
GEOPH 437 Application of Methods of Exploration Geophysics
GEOPH 438 Aspects of Seismic Data Processing
GOPH 459 Field School
00-GP-M22 Isotope Geophysics
EAS 420 Geochemistry II
PHYS 561 Stable and Radioactive Isotope Studies, Fundamentals
00-GP-M23 Fluid Dynamics
MAPH 467 Mechanics
of Deformable Media
00-GP-M24 Computer Controlled Instrumentation
CH E 540 Process Dynamics & Control
00-GP-M25 Igneous Petrology
EAS 331 Igneous Petrology
GLGY 431 Igneous Petrology
00-GP-M26 Metamorphic Petrology
EAS 332 Metamorphic Petrology
GLGY 433 Metamorphic Petrology
00-GP-M27 Advanced Sedimentology
EAS 422 Sedimentary Facies
GLGY 461 Sedimentary Petrology
00-GP-M28 Advanced Structural Geology
EAS 421 Structural Geology II
GLGY 541 Advanced Structural Geology
00-GP-M29 Fluid Flow In Porous Media
PET E 473 Fundamental Reservoir Engineering
EAS 223 Introduction to Hydrogeology
GLGY 677 Petroleum Reservoir Production
ENPE 513 Flow in Porous Media
00-GP-M30 Geochemistry
EAS 320 Geochemistry I
GLGY 505 Chemical Hydrology
00-GP-M31 Numerical Modelling Methods
CH E 474 Computational Methods In Engineering
PHYS 420 Computational Physics
GLGY 605 Simulation Methods in Subsurface Flow and Transport
00-GP-M32 Remote Sensing
EAS 451 Remote Sensing