What's in The PEGG
Please check the pages indicated of the April PEGG for more details on the following articles and features.

Science Olympics/ 1
APEGGA once again sponsored Science Olympics for students from elementary through high school as part of National Engineering Week.

Annual Report/ 1
A front page article explains that this year, as it did last year, APEGGA is applying a different approach for distribution of its Annual Report. In addition to the traditional magazine-sized version of the report, a summary is included as an insert in the April PEGG. The document also is accessible via APEGGA's Web site.

President's Notebook/ 3
In his final Notebook column as APEGG President, Fred Otto, P.Eng., PhD, shares some thoughts on the Business Plan adopted by APEGGA Council late last year. The plan outlines a number of important initiatives of the Association relating to its core responsibilities, and relative to government relations, advancing science and technology, and enhancing the value of professional membership.

Letters/ 4
Please check a letter prepared by the Continuing Competence Subcommittee in response to some earlier letters to the editor on continuing competence.

Science Olympics Results/ 5

World Watch /5
Summaries from the technical press includes an item about copper-eating bacteria.

Schlumberger Stresses Training/ 7
Schlumberger Wireline & Testing makes career-long training a priority for its employees.

Continuing Competence / 7
The Subcommittee on Continuing Competence answers more questions relating to the Continuing Professional Development Program.

Public Member Reflections/ 7
As Les Young's term as a Public Member of APEGGA Council comes to an end, he shares some thoughts with The PEGG.

Transfer Programs/ 8
A number of Alberta colleges offer an alternative to taking first-year engineering at the Universities of Calgary and Alberta.

Campus Column/ 9
The PEGG's campus correspondents report.

Tri Ocean On Land & Sea/ 9
Canada's Arctic provided the proving ground for Tri Ocean Engineering of Calgary.

Award Opportunities/ 10
In many cases, APEGGA members make ideal candidates for awards and recognition given by other organizations. To encourage such nominations, a listing of some such awards and their contacts is included in the April PEGG.

Have Your Say/ 10
The PEGG's monthly cartoon feature.

Anju Garg, P.Eng. Has Earned Respect/11
"When you have some success, people start to pay attention," says APEGGA Early Accomplishment Award winner, in this article, the last in a series on 1996 APEGGA Summit Award Winners.

Fitting Into The Right Job/ 12
Authors Philippa Campsie and Norman Ball examine factors that make a job right.

Tending to Our Petroleum Past /13
Members of the Petroleum History Society help ensure we remember the our oil and gas history.

In the News/14
A former APEGGA president, Norman Reid, P.Eng., has dedicated a vintage aircraft to the memory of fallen comrades. Other items provide information on APEGGA members who are assuming new responsibilities or being recognized for their achievements.

Prairie Pilots/ 15
They may not have beat the Wright brothers but did didn't take Prairie pilots long to get their ideas aloft.

Gauging Performance/ 16
There is more than one way to undertake performance appraisals. The PEGG's series on human resources continues.

The Executive Director Reports/ 17
APEGGA Executive Director Neil Windsor, P.Eng., writes about some recent reorganizations within APEGGA, which include reassigning the duties of some Directors.

Waste Workshops/ 18
Alberta's new waste regulations are the focus of workshops involving the Consulting Engineers of Alberta and two other organizations.

CSCE/ASCE Joint Conference/18
The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and the American Society of Civil Engineers team up for the 1997 CSCE-ASCE Environmental Engineering Conference in Edmonton July 23-25.


Registration/ 20-21

PEGG These Dates/ 22
Seminars and conference of potential interest to APEGGA members.

APEGGA Calendar/ 23

Ecuadorian Equation/24
Ecuador searches for a balance between development and environmental protection.
