Science Olympics

More than 80 teams competed in the 1999 Edmonton Science Olympics held Saturday, February 27 at the Shaw Conference Centre.  After the dust settled, here's how it all turned out:

Division I (Grades 1-3)

That Sinking Feeling - Aluminum Boats/Penny Flotation)
- The Einsteins,  New Horizons School
2nd - Bisset Bears, Bisset School
3rd - R-1, Rutherford School

3-2-1 Blast Off! (Alka Seltzer Rockets)

1st - Capilano II, Capilano School
2nd - Graminia Community School
3rd - Notre-Dame 2, Ecole Notre-Dame

Drop of Doom (Ping Pong Catapult)

1st - Capilano I, Capilano School
2nd - Graminia Community School
3rd - Capilano II, Capilano School

Overall Results (Most Accumulated Points)

1st - Capilano II, Capilano School
2nd - Bissett Bears, Bissett School
3rd - Graminia Community School

Division II (Grades 4-6)
Murder Mystery (Forensics)

1st - Quantum Mechanics, Parkallen School
2nd - Eagles, Ecole Coloniale Estates
3rd - BG One, Brander Gardens School

Robo-Kicker (Football Kicking Device)

1st - Capilano I, Capilano School
2nd - Grandview 2, Grandview Heights School
3rd - Capilano II, Capilano School

Mysterious White Powders (Identification)

1st - Suzuki Discoverers, Suzuki Elementary Charter School
2nd - Stanislaus 2, St. Stanislaus School
3rd - Investigators, Win Ferguson Community School

Overall Results (Most Accumulated Points)

1st - Grandview 2, Grandview Heights School
2nd - Brainiacs, Belgravia School
3rd - Investigators, Win Ferguson Community School

Teacher Airplane Event
1st - Steele Heights School
2nd - St. Luke's College
3rd - Steel Heights School

Division III and Division IV Results
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