APEGGA Summit Awards®

. 4 tables of 10
. Logo on site signs, table signs, programs and newspaper ads
. On-screen logo display
. Preferential showcase display

. 3 tables of 10
. Logo on site signs, table signs, programs and newspaper ads
.On-screen logo display
. Preferential showcase display

. 2 tables of 10
. Name recognition on site signs, table signs, programs and newspapers ads
.On-screen name display
Showcase display space.

. 1 table of 10
. Name recognition on site signs, table signs, programs and newspaper ads
.On-screen name display
.Showcase display space
Annual General Meeting and Luncheon . Logo on hand-out materials and site signs
. Luncheon sponsorship (includes 2 luncheon tickets and verbal recognition)

. Logo on hand-out materials and site signs

. Name recognition on hand-out materials and site signs


. Name recognition on hand-out materials and site signs
Professional Development Conference
. 3 one-day registrations
. Logo on site signs, banners and programs

. 2 one-day registrations
. Logo on site signs, banners and programs
. Luncheon sponsorship (includes 2 luncheon tickets and verbal recognition)

. 1 one-day registration
. Name recognition on site signs, banners, and programs

. Name recognition on site signs, banners, and programs
Social Evening . 6 passes .4 passes . 2 passes -
Hospitality Suite . Logo on signs . Logo on signs . Name recognition on signs . Name recognition on signs
Coffee Break     . Annual General Meeting coffee break sponsorship . Professional Development coffee break sponsorship
Tax Receipt - issued by The APEGGA Education Foundation
. A tax receipt in the amount of $2,000

. A tax receipt in the amount of $1,500

. A tax receipt in the amount of $1,000

. A tax receipt in the amount of $500
To meet publication deadlines, your sponsorship commitment would be appreciated by March 21, 2002