APEGGA Submission to the
Alberta Growth SummitIntroduction
Agriculture and Rural Development
Business and Industry
Municipalities, Academic Institutions, Schools and Hospitals (MASH)
The Government of Alberta has initiated a major economic conference, to be known as the Alberta Growth Summit '97 (scheduled for Sept. 29-30 in Edmonton), and has asked participants to consider "where we want to be in the year 2005" and "what private and public sector policies and actions are needed to ensure sustainable and broad-based growth in Alberta". The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA) has welcomed and seized this opportunity to participate in the process of planning for the future of our province.With more than 29,000 members, APEGGA is the largest professional association in Alberta. Its members are involved in industries as diverse as resource development, transportation, environment, energy, forestry, mining, construction, telecommunications, municipal planning, water and wastewater treatment and others. Their professional expertise is valued on government boards and commissions dealing with such issues as public safety, environmental concerns and the provincial economy.
The Association also maintains a national voice on broader issues affecting the professions through its involvement with the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers.
Serving the Public Interest
The right of self-governance is a responsibility and a privilege not taken lightly by the Association and its members. Technical competence, ethical conduct, integrity and the ability to place the benefits to society above personal gain are the hallmarks of professionalism.The commitment of its members to professional practice is the key to APEGGA's success. The public interest is best served when engineers, geologists and geophysicists adopt excellence as a fundamental goal and govern themselves according to the practice standards and codes of conduct outlined by their professional association.
The engineering and geoscience professions have, to a large extent, been responsible for the economic growth of our province and the enhanced quality of life enjoyed by Albertans. The diverse experience of engineers and geoscientists provides a broad perspective on issues affecting growth in Alberta. With this in mind, APEGGA is pleased to have an opportunity to utilize its collective experience by contributing to Alberta Growth Summit' 97.
The Consultation Process
APEGGA organized Mini-Summit workshops in Edmonton and Calgary this past July 21 and 22. The purpose of the workshops was to utilize the experience and perspectives of a diverse group of members and other invited participants to develop constructive recommendations for submission to Alberta Growth Summit' 97.Together with senior members from the private and public sector, other professions, industry and business associations, and educational institutions were invited to participate. This resulted in a diverse group of about 35 participants in each of the workshops.
Breakout groups focused on identifying issues, positions and actions in response to the questions posed to Growth Summit delegates for each sector. Each breakout group reported back to the full workshop, answered questions and identified common issues. Records from the breakout groups were compiled, condensed and reviewed with the results forming the basis of this submission.
Several common issues were identified in almost every breakout group:
1. Infrastructure the importance of maintaining appropriate transportation, communications, utilities and other infrastructure that contribute to efficient development and production was emphasized.
2. Regulatory Processes having regulatory processes that are not a deterrent to development, but that fulfil the government's obligation to protect the public and environment was frequently mentioned.
3. Education and Training were central to addressing issues in all of the sectors.
4. Research and Development research and development, and commercialization of research, were key components to growth.The issues, positions and actions that follow for each sector include references to these common issues.
The question posed with regard to the social economy sector, "How can this sector ensure that every person has the opportunity to participate in growth, regardless of their position in society?", was not specifically addressed during the APEGGA process. However, some general observations were made in relation to the question. Education and training were deemed key to participating in growth. Encouraging a culture of life-long learning and self-reliance is also important.
The Association is pleased to provide a summary of the input of the participants to this provincial consultation process. We trust this submission is a useful contribution to your deliberations during Alberta Growth Summit '97....Back to the Index...