APEGGA Responds Positively
To Defined Scope of Practice
Proposed by Provincial Government

Alberta Public Works, Supply and Services Minister Stan Woloshyn will introduce legislation to permit independent practice by suitably qualified Registered Engineering Technologists (R.E.T.s) based on amendments to the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions (EGGP) Act. These provisions would make it possible for certain technologists who have an appropriate combination of academic qualifications and years of relevant experience in a particular area to be granted an independent and clearly defined scope of practice.
Minister of Public Works,
Supply and Services, Hon.
Stan Woloshyn intends to
proceed with legislation on a
Defined Scope of Practice in
in the spring session of the
Alberta Legislature.

Under principles outlined by the Minister of Public Works, Supply and Services, Hon. Stan Woloshyn, APEGGA would continue to govern the practice of engineering in Alberta through the EGGP Act. Furthermore, registration for the defined scope of practice designation would be through the APEGGA Board of Examiners, whose membership will be expanded to include technologists. A defined scope would only be available for R.E.T.s recommended by the Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists (ASET).

For a number of years, ASET has endeavored to establish an independent scope of practice for technologists outside the EGGP Act. APEGGA has strongly resisted such a departure, arguing in favor of the engineering team approach, and maintaining that engineering must continue to be regulated by one governing body under one Act. A statement of guiding principles which accompanied a Sept. 3 letter sent to APEGGA team leader Fred Otto, P.Eng., PhD, and to ASET by Minister Woloshyn,the minister responsible for administration of the EGGP Act, upholds that basic principle. In his letter the Minister said: "It is my intention to proceed with legislation in the upcoming Spring 1999 Session which reflects these principles."

Highlights of the principles relating to the defined scope of practice as enunciated by Mr. Woloshyn are as follows:

APEGGA Council has supported the basic principles of the recommended legislation and welcomed the Minister's initiative to move forward with a resolution to this long-standing debate. During further discussion of the matter at the Sept. 17 APEGGA Council meeting, held in Lethbridge, APEGGA President Dan Motyka, P.Eng., said: "this is a positive initiative that the Minister has taken. It's good for ASET. It's good for APEGGA and it's good for the general public."

APEGGA Executive Director and Registrar Neil Windsor, P.Eng., said a number of stakeholder groups have been informed on the matter, meeting with others are planned for the near future and discussions are ongoing with ASET's newly appointed Executive Director, Don Byers, C.E.T. Mr. Windsor termed the proposal an "opportunity to move forward" and said there are numerous areas where members both ASET and APEGGA will benefit from greater cooperation between the two associations.