Richard Holley Swann, P.Eng.

Richard Holley Swann, P.Eng. was APEGGA's 1969 president.

Richard Holley Swann, P.Eng., a past APEGGA president, died at home in Calgary on Jan. 21 at the age of 84. Mr. Swann, who served as president in 1969, is described by his family as a caring, capable and loving person who devoted much of his life to his profession, his community and his province.

For over 30 years Mr. Swann and his wife Marg operated a ranch near Priddis, near Calgary, while he was actively engaged in the petroleum industry. He also found time to support and volunteer for a number of community groups.

Mr. Swann started the Roxboro-Rideau Community Association and was its first president. He also served as president of the Pastoral Institute (now the Calgary Family Service Bureau), and president of the Crestview Foundation, which, among a myriad of other philanthropic deeds, provided start-up funds for the Calgary Women's Shelter building and the present United Way building.

He was an accomplished singer and soloist in choirs at Knox United Church and later Red Deer Lake United Church, where he served on the board of directors. An ardent golfer, particularly during his retirement years, he was a member of the Priddis Greens Golf and Country Club.

In addition to Margaret, Mr. Swann is survived by three daughters, two sons, 13 grandchildren, a sister and a brother. A memorial service was held at the Red Deer Lake United Church on Jan. 24. Memorial tributes may be made to the Mustard Seed Street Ministry, 102 11th Ave. S.E., Calgary, T2G 0X5.

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