What Should the Future Hold
For the Hardcopy PEGG?

Readers Asked to Take Part in Major Online Opinion Survey


PEGG Managing Editor

The most comprehensive readership survey in The PEGG’s history is now underway, as we grapple with the numerous challenges involved in further integrating your Association’s communications tools. The objective is to improve the overall effectiveness of our web, PEGG and e-mail communications, as a way to bring more value to the membership.

The move follows an earlier random survey of 600 APEGGA members. That mail-in survey answered a number of questions for us and confirmed that we should, indeed, develop an electronic newsletter or bulletin, which we’ve tentatively dubbed the e-PEGG.

We learned that readership of The PEGG is high, at more than 90 per cent. We learned that close to 80 per cent of members would like to receive an e-PEGG. And we learned that perhaps 40 per cent would like to continue receiving a hardcopy version as well.
This is all good information. But it begs questions, too.

What’s Being Read?
We learned, for example, that one of the key projects we’ve been regularly publicizing – PEGGasus, the online professional development marketplace – was being recalled by less than half of the membership.

If members are, in fact, reading The PEGG, why aren’t more of you absorbing information about this important and ground-breaking professional development service? What are you reading in The PEGG, what would you like to see more of, what would you like to see less of?

You will likely have noticed a number of improvements to the look and content of The PEGG over recent years, beginning with a complete redesign. Then, in response to a communications audit and a stakeholder survey, we improved the appearance and organization of the publication, and put extra emphasis on stories about Association initiatives.

But what we haven’t done is determine, section by section, story type by story type, what you are reading and would like to read.

What about the newspaper format? Would you prefer fewer editions of The PEGG, in the form of a magazine, rather than 10 a year on newsprint?

Since the beginning of 2003, the website has become an archive for every story published in the hardcopy PEGG. How does that online PEGG fit with an e-PEGG and our regular PEGG?

All members can participate in the online readership survey, through the month of July. Simply go to the APEGGA website and follow the links.

Effect On Advertising
There’s one other major constituency we need to look at. That’s our advertisers.
The PEGG is subsidized considerably by advertising dollars. We restrict the type and percentage of advertising and we don’t actively solicit it – yet the revenue continues to increase.

Advertisers base their buying decisions on a lot of different factors. One of the major ones is how many households and businesses their message reaches. If a growing number of readers decide an online version of The PEGG is enough, circulation of the printed PEGG will drop.

That would be great for the environment, and it would also reduce postage and printing costs. Advertisers might not be as willing to use The PEGG, however, and the rates we charge might need to be reduced.

So, in conjunction with the online reader survey, we’ll be phoning all our advertisers to find out the effect of various scenarios on their buying decisions.

Your Say
We’ve made no decision about The PEGG’s future at this time. Ultimately, the publication’s form and content will be greatly influenced by what our readers want.
Please, make your opinion known by taking part in the online survey.

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