APEGGA Poster Contest
Exercise your creativity & imagination!
PURPOSE: To encourage students to explore engineering and science.

1. Poster must say "National Engineering Week".
2. Poster should maintain the theme of National Engineering Week: "Engineering…Anything is Possible".
3. Poster size - 71cm x 59 cm (28.4 inches x 23.6 inches)
4. Contest is open to residents of Calgary who are students in
Grades 1-6.
5. One entry per group. A group may consist of a maximum of four members. Your team may consist of representatives from different grades.

JUDGES: Professional Engineers and local celebrities
DEADLINE DATE: Your entry form, poster, and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) form must be received by midnight March 10, 2002.

The winning groups will each receive five passes to the Calgary Science Centre including a pizza party!

Please send your entry form, FOIP forms (for each member of your group) and posters to the address below:

Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta
1600-734 7 AVE SW
Calgary, AB T2P 3P8
E-mail: ckillick@apegga.org
Tel: 262-7714
Fax: 269-2787

For more information about APEGGA's National Engineering Week events and this contest, go to: http://www.apegga.org/EngWeek/about.htm



Names of members in your group:
Grade Level(s):
Contact Telephone Number:
School Mailing Address:

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

APEGGA seeks your consent to publish your child’s poster and perhaps a photograph of your child in either local newspapers, APEGGA’s newspaper (The PEGG) or on-line on the APEGGA website. In order to protect the privacy of students under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("The FOIP Act"), APEGGA is seeking your consent to allow the placement of your child’s poster and photograph in any of the aforementioned publications/media.


Please date and sign this form and submit it along with your application for the APEGGA Poster contest.

I hereby consent to have my child’s photograph and poster published in local newspapers, APEGGA (The PEGG) newspaper or on the APEGGA website.


Name of Child (Please Print)

Signature of Parent/Guardian

Name of Parent/Guardian (Please Print)

Contact Phone Numbers


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Heather Frantz (403) 262-7714.


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