Permit to Practice
General Information

The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists is an organization constituted by provincial Statute for the regulation of the practice of engineering, geology and geophysics. As steward of the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act it is the Association's responsibility to register only qualified persons and to control the quality of the professional services that they provide.

The Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act also requires that partnerships, corporations and other such entities which practice engineering, geology and geophysics have a Permit to Practice. The requirements concerning Permits to Practice are described in Articles 2, 5, 7, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 38, 52, 73, 74, 76, 76.1, 77, 78, 79, 79.92, 80, 81 and 82 of the Act and Part 7 of the Regulations.


  1. It is recognized in the Act and Regulations that effective control of the quality of professional practice in partnerships, corporations and other such entities requires that the employer of professionals provide the atmosphere and organizational structure necessary for the proper practice of the professions. This involves three distinct levels and/or types of responsibility:

    Corporate Management

    The Chief Operating Officer of a company undertakes to maintain an organization in which the practice of the professions can be conducted in accordance with the intent of the Act.

    Member Assuming Responsibility for the Professional Practice

    Full time employees or members of the firms undertake to provide responsible direction and personal supervision of the professional practice engaged in.

    Member Supervising or Performing the Work

    The individual APEGGA member, in accordance with the Code of Ethics, undertake only such work as he is competent to perform or supervise by virtue of his training and experience.

  2. An individual, who is a professional member or licensee of APEGGA, who engages in the practice of engineering, geology, or geophysics in his or her own name does not require a Permit to Practice. Their personal registration is, in effect, their Permit to Practice. If this same individual practices through a company, then the company requires a Permit to Practice even though the member is the only employee.

  3. If a parent company or joint venture group holds a Permit to Practice, any subsidiary of that company that engages in the practice of engineering, geology or geophysics must also hold a permit, if the subsidiary is a separate entity with a different name.

  4. The association will issue a Permit to Practice to any partnership, corporation or other entity provided at least one full time employee or member of the firm, who is also a member or licensee of APEGGA, undertakes to direct and accept responsibility for the professional practice of the Permit Holder. The member(s) who assume responsibility for the professional practice must be qualified by training and experience in the fields of engineering, geology or geophysics in which the firm provides services and must be available to the full extent necessary to direct the day to day activities engaged in by the Permit Holder.

    Larger organizations with more than one functional division which are spread geographically over several operating centres are encouraged to name as many professional members as necessary to provide responsible direction and personal supervision to the professional practice engaged in. The number of members selected to assume that responsibility for the organization should complement the organization structure and will vary according to the type of operation and management style of the organization.

    Reference in the Act to a full time employee or member of the firm is interpreted to mean that the relationship between the APEGGA member and the firm is an ongoing and continuous one as distinguished from one that does not have the depth or responsibility normally associated with a full time employee relationship.

  5. The Association will give its consent to the incorporation of a company and/or to the registration of extra-provincial companies pursuant to the laws of Alberta, where the name of the company includes the word "engineering", "geology", or "geophysics" or any variation thereof, provided the company undertakes to maintain a valid Permit to Practice from the Association. A written request for consent is required in order for the Association to give consent for incorporation.

    If the Permit to Practice is canceled, lapses, is revoked or for any reason becomes invalid, approval by APEGGA to use the words engineering, geology and geophysics or any form thereof in the firm's name is automatically withdrawn.

  6. Permit Holders whose registration is canceled by APEGGA due to nonpayment of annual dues or for any other reason are assessed an administrative fee when applying for reinstatement. Permit Holders who request in writing that their Permit to Practice be canceled will not be assessed the administrative fee when they apply for reinstatement.

  7. Under the current Act and Regulations, Permit Holders are issued a permit number: section 24(3 & 4) of the Act and section 48(3) of the Regulations. The current Act and Regulations require that all final plans, specifications, reports or documents of a professional nature must show the permit number: section 76(2) of the Act and section 49(b) of the Regulations.

  8. A permit stamp is optional. A Permit Holder can obtain a permit stamp(s) from APEGGA. The permit stamp must be under the control of the professional member or licensees assuming responsibility of the professional practice in which the Permit Holder is engaged. In accordance with Standata 81-A007, entitled Professional Involvement in Projects and Seals on Construction Documents, issued by the Building Standards Branch of the Provincial Government, the permit stamp should be signed by a person authorized to take professional responsibility for the Permit Holder.

    It is the intent that details regarding permit stamp custody and specific signing authority within the organization are matters to be addressed by the officer or designate/"person" who signs page one of the Application for Permit to Practice on behalf of the Permit Holder.


  1. Application is made by completing forms entitled Application for Permit to Practice. In completing the form it is the responsibility of the applicant's Chief Operating Officer or his designate to ensure that the members selected to be responsible for the respective professional practices are qualified and have organizational authority to direct and control the overall quality of services being provided.

    On page two of the application, special attention is drawn to the requirement for an organizational breakdown that corresponds to the professional responsibility of each member name. Following are examples to illustrate:

    Name & Professional Designation Member # Office Organizational Group Discipline/Operation
    J.D. Doe, P.Eng. 98888 Calgary Total Company
    W.D. Smith, P.Eng. 98765 Edmonton Structural
    C.A. Jones, P.Eng. 98989 Edmonton Mechanical
    L.T. Brown, P.Eng. 76543 Edmonton Electrical
    O.R. White, P.Eng. 65432 Calgary Structural
    S.A. Black, P.Eng. 54391 Calgary Mechanical
    A.S. Green, P. Geoph. 78987 Edmonton Exploration Division
    L.T. Adams, P.Eng. 86543 Calgary Refining Division

  2. Approval

    Approved applications are acknowledged by letter and the Permit Holder is assigned a permit number and issued one certificate. Permit stamps are optional and may be obtained upon request.

    Additional certificates to a maximum of one for each branch office and additional permit stamps to a maximum of one for each responsible member may be obtained by contacting the APEGGA office (Edmonton). Replacement certificates and stamps are available at cost when a Permit Holder changes its name. The certificates and stamps remain the property of the Association and must be surrendered on demand.

  3. Schedule of Fees for Permit Holders

    Application fees should accompany the application. The first year's annual dues are included in the initial application fee. Annual dues will be invoiced annually on each anniversary of the month of issue.

    Application Fees (GST included)

    • Domestic Permit Holder- $335.00


    Annual Dues (GST exempt)

    • Domestic Permit Holder- $335.00


    A Permit Holder may apply for a 50% reduction in annual dues if:

    (a) The Permit Holder has only one Professional Engineer, Professional Geologist, Professional Geophysicist or Registered Professional Technologist as a full time employee or member of the firm, and

    (b) The gross revenues of the firm did not exceed $250,000.00 in the preceding 12 months.

  4. Reinstatement (GST included)

    Should cancellation by APEGGA occur due to nonpayment of Annual dues, or failure to provide an Annual Report, a $110.00 reinstatement fee is payable in addition to any other outstanding dues.

Permit application forms are available from the APEGGA office .

If you wish, you may print the following forms from your browser instead:

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