E.I.T. Believes in Promoting Professions to Youth
A recent graduate from the University of Alberta, Dan Seibel, E.I.T.,
volunteers to keep busy, meet people, and spread his enthusiasm about
the engineering profession. Dan has contributed to APEGGAs Outreach
program by volunteering at various science fairs and career fairs. Volunteering
is a way for Dan to gain experience and meet people outside of his work
Although Dan has just started his professional experience at Telus, he
has been involved with
various committees over the years among thempresident, vice-president
of finance, and servicerepresentative, all of the Electrical Engineering
Clubat the U of A, and a member of the board of directorsfor the U of
A Engineering Students Society.Aside from volunteering, Dan enjoys
mountainbiking, water-skiing, hockey, traveling, and relaxing.
When did you join APEGGA?
I joined APEGGA as a student member in 1997when I entered my second year
of engineering at theU of A. I am continuing to be a member (M.I.T.) as
Iwork towards my P.Eng.
Recall a particularly memorable volunteer experience.
Working as an instructor and then as director of Discover E
Science Camps was the best (and most time consuming) volunteer experience
I have had. It was especially rewarding to help start a national northern
outreach program (with the first camp in Yellowknife), and for Discover
E to be recognized with the Nortel award for leadership and innovation.
What would you consider as a dream project,
one that you would like to be involved in?
I would say that the promotion of engineering and science to Canadas
youth is the closest thing I can think of. I think that everyone deserves
the opportunity to at least experience what these fields are all about
and from there make a choice about whether they wish to pursue a career
in these fields.
When did you and what made you decide to become
an engineer?
Im not entirely sure when I made the decision. In high school I
know I wanted to do
something with the sciences. My dad is an electrician, which made me want
to do something more applied than research. So when it came time to apply
to the U of A I thought I would try engineering.
What high-tech product could you not live without
and why?
I would have to say an Internet connected computer. Everything
I do involves communication. From e-mail, finding information, reading
the news, listening to music etc. I can manage without the computer for
a short while, but eventually I have mail to check and things to look
What is the greatest challenge to you in being
an engineer?
Right now the greatest challenge is learning the ins and outs of Telus
and of the telecom world. When you are in your last years at school, you
are the one with all of the "experience," then you graduate
and start working with people who have been in the industry a lot longer
than you.
Do you have any words of wisdom for other professionals?
The more the public knows about our profession, the more they will realize
and respect the work that we do.
What is you personal motto?
Don't wait for others to act; you be the first one to show generosity!