March 2002

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Brochure Correction

APEGGA apologizes for an error in the 2002 nomination brochure recently mailed to all members. In the list of those currently running for Council, I.A. (Ian) McIlreath's name was inadvertently misspelled. Also, his proper designation is P.Geol., PhD.

Other nomineees for Council are: J.A. (Julie) Aitken, P.Geoph.; E.S. (Liz) Campbell, P.Eng.; Tom Greenwood-Madsen, P.Eng.; U.T.B. (Upali) Hippola, P.Eng., PhD; J.H. (Jack) Hole, P.Eng.; M.E. (Mike) Koziol, P.Eng., M.Eng.; C.S. (Steven) Loo, P.Eng.; J.C. (John) Moldon, P.Eng., PhD; Ashok Sehgal, P.Eng.; I.C., (Ian) Williamson, P.Eng.

Running for vice-president are M.W. (Mike) Smyth, P.Eng., G.G. (Gordon) Stewart, P.Eng., and A.W. (Andy) Gilliland, P.Eng. The candidate for president is R.S. (Ron) Tenhove.

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