Link Overview:

Section 1
Code of Ethics...

Section 2
The Professions...

Section 3

Section 4
Interpretation and Amplification of the Code of Ethics...

Section 5
APEGGA Disciplinary Procedures...

Appendix A
Historical Background - APEGGA code of Ethics...

Appendix B
Appendix A
Historical Background
- APEGGA Code ofEthics

The Association, then known as the Association of Professional Engineers of Alberta, was incorporated by provincial statute in 1920. The following year a standing committee was established to formulate a Code of Ethics. Little was accomplished until 1928, when a committee commenced work on revisions to the Engineering Profession Act, making recommendations including one that a "Code of Ethics, controlled by the By-Laws, be devised to keep the practice of the members within their respective fields."

The By-Laws accompanying the 1930 Act contained a Code of Ethics as an Appendix to which members and licensees were required to conform. This Code contained 10 specific articles preceded by two "whereas" paragraphs as a preamble.

In 1949-50 the Council approved a revised Code of Ethics which was approved a year later by the membership and incorporated into the By-Laws. This revised Code was essentially the same as the 1930 Code with minor revisions to some of the articles, but it also included an additional article on signing and sealing — "He shall sign and seal only those plans, specifications and reports actually
made by him or under his personal supervision and direction" — making 11 in all. In addition, the Canons of Ethics for Engineers recommended by the Engineers' Council for Professional Development was repeated for use as a guide. These Canons consisted of 28 articles or sections under four headings: Professional Life, Relations with the Public, Relations with Clients and Employers, and Relations with Engineers. While the Canons were intended only to be used as a guide, members were expected to conform to the Code. The categories of members to which the
Code applied was expanded to consist of Members, Visitors or Licensees, Engineers-in-Training and Students.

By 1975 the Code of Ethics had evolved into the familiar 21 article Code for professional engineers, geologists and geophysicists assembled into three broad groupings — duties to the public, to client or employer, and to the profession. This was supplemented by a booklet which elaborated and explained most of the articles, A Guide to Professional Practice under the Code of Ethics, which was published in 1978. Except for a revision to article 20 on conditions for making proposals which was approved in 1981, this Code was incorporated into the Regulations and remained in effect until the current Code of Ethics was introduced.

In 1985 Council established a Task Force to review the Code of Ethics. The review, carried out over the next two year period, was initiated by concerns the Discipline Committee had developed in applying the Act, and by concerns of the Practice Standards Committee on the lack of consistency in the nature of separate articles in the existing Code. The membership supported the basic philosophical approach of having the Code consist of a general statement of principles (preamble) plus specific enforceable rules of conduct. The existing Code was considered to cover the intended content, and the work of the Task Force was concentrated on reorganizing and reviewing individual articles for inclusion or modification. A revised Code was developed through a series of drafts and approved at the 1987 Annual General Meeting. The membership also recognized that a supplementary document elaborating on the new Code was required.

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