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The November 1999 issue of The PEGG contains more information on the below winners.

APEGGA University Entrance Scholarships
APEGGA presents 12 awards of $2000 to students entering the faculties of engineering or the departments of geology and geophysics at The University of Alberta, The University of Calgary or colleges in Alberta offering transfer programs.

1999 Recipients
University of Alberta: Rahim Janmohamed,
Red Deer College: Charles Andersen Elves
University of Calgary: Samantha Leigh Anderson, David George Butterwick, Emily Chan, Zoltan David, Jeremy Bruce Gale, William Jay Glen, Cristina Lei, Brad Rogan, Maged Hishmat Hakeen Shenouda, Dominic Man Ho So

APEGGA Education Scholarships
Each recipient receives $2,000 per year for two years. The scholarships are intended for individuals who hold a bachelor's degree in science or education to return to university to obtain a second degree, or to help those obtaining combined degrees in science and education.

1999 Recipients
University of Lethbridge: Marta Dmytruk
University of Calgary: Sanimar Sarpal, Marie Caroline Standing, P.Eng.

APEGGA Undergraduate Scholarships
Six scholarships of $2,000 are awarded for undergraduate excellence in engineering or geoscience studies. 
1999 Recipients
University of Alberta: Thomas Ireland, Andrew Martin, Spencer Maxwell

APEGGA Transfer Scholarships
Scholarships of $2,000 each are available to students transferring from regional colleges or technical institutes to university engineering programs.

1999 Recipients
University of Alberta: Christine Hernani, Ryan Paul Anderson, Allan Cramer, Jason Fjeldheim, Mikhael Horvath, Travis Smith
University of Calgary: Chung Kan, Stephane Meehan

APEGGA University Gold Medals
Presented to graduating students obtaining the highest average in geology, geophysics and each engineering program accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board.

1999 Recipients
University of Alberta:
Emily Barr, Jason butt, Barbara Djurfors, Charlene Eriksen, Kevin Godfrey, Ulf-Hilmar Hahn, Mitchell Holte, Jonathan Holzman, Danile Kotylak, Rozalia Pak, Jesse Row, Michelle Spila
University of Calgary: Michael Stanley Bristow, James Ross Jackson, Helen Jie Luo, Allison Margaret Marshall, Paul Bradley McBeth, Alana Colleen L.Skelton

APEGGA Graduate Scholarships

1999 Recipients
University of Alberta:
Daniel Dall'Acqua, P.Eng.
University of Calgary: James Paul Letourneau, P.Geol.



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