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Once you have a taste for flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.

Planes, helicopters, hot air balloons, birds and insects have one thing in common. They can FLY!!! 

Beginning with the Chinese in 1200 B.C., we have always been fascinated with flight. From using kites for military signalling to Sir Isaac Newton and Daniel Bernoulli developing scientific principles that explain how an airplane flies, to the inaugural flight in an airplane by Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903, we have wanted to soar.

We have provided you with links to compliment your curriculum with interesting hands-on activities to try in the classroom or at home.

Dynamic Links:

Yes Magazine
Canada's science magazine for kids has a great section on flight.

The FLIGHTLINE Aviation Archive
A searchable collection of aviation images, aviation poetry and more.

Air and Space Magazine
Flight and Space Travel Magazine of the Smithsonian Museum.

NASA Spacelink
NASA Spacelink is a collection of NASA information and educational materials. It is provided by the Educational Affairs Department. Great site for educators and students. Their HOT-TOPICS icon leads you to some very good links.










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