In recent issues, The PEGG has invited readers, in a maximum
of 200 words, to share what they consider to be an important technical
or professional development of the 20th century. Our first submission
comes from L. Mark Larsen, P.Eng., P.Geol., of Calgary, who writes:
A great scientific idea of the 20th century was the development
of the theory of plate tectonics. The very idea of mobile continents
floating and moving, sometimes colliding and welding together, sometimes
rupturing and splitting apart, throughout earth's history, appeared
preposterously absurd to educated peoples a century ago.
Yet, even a casual observer will note the coastlines of eastern
South America and West Africa fit together like pieces in a jigsaw
puzzle. Alfred Wegener citing similarities in the rocks, fossil
plants and animals, climatic and glacial patterns, suggested the
two continents had been together in late Paleozoic time and subsequently
drifted apart.

The hypothesis was hotly debated during the 1920s and 1930s but
was rejected by most earth scientists for the lack of a suitable
mechanism. Subsequent mapping of the ocean floor and paleomagnetic
studies ultimately allowed reconstructions supporting the model
of a dynamic earth with convection currents in the earth's mantle
as the mechanism for movement.
Accumulated evidence has transformed the former crackpot hypothesis
into a well-accepted model of the earth. This started a revolution
in geological thought, adding insight to virtually all branches
of the geological sciences, from pure research topics to mineral
and petroleum exploration.