Top Left: Young collector Damon Strembiski,
4, examines a sampling of Earth's treasures, during
the APEGGA Outreach Rock and Fossil Clinic, held at
the William Lutsky YMCA in Edmonton in October. Helping
Damon in his journey of scientific discovery are University
of Alberta geology students Jessica Liggett and Neil
McCallum. The event was one of several to celebrate
Alberta Science and Technology Week.
Top Right: Mark Beliveau with the Solar Ray
Vehicle Project, Faculty of Engineering, University
of Alberta, helps APEGGA celebrate Alberta Science
and Technology Week (Oct. 11 to 20), at the Odyssium.
Right: Engineers go to great lengths to win
the tallest paper tower competition at a Nov. 7 Outreach
volunteer workshop in Edmonton.
Photos by Jeanne Keaschuk, Outreach Coordinator