Terri-Jane Yuzda


APEGGA Volunteers a Perfect Fit with School Curricula

Beth Burwash, P.Geol., brings some of the wonder of her profession to a Grade 3 science class.

Senior Outreach Coordinator

"Beth's presentation was just phenomenal! Her material fit perfectly with the curriculum (Grade 7 Planet Earth). We just finished the unit and her presentation was a good review. The samples she brought were great, and she introduced a career twist to the material when she talked about the work of geologists and showed some tools and pictures. This was very interesting for students. We really could have used more time. All in all, everything was just great and the students loved it! Thanks and I'll be in touch again next year."
N. Riemann, Hillcrest School

These comments sum up exactly why APEGGA Outreach volunteers make science curriculum related presentations, why the presentations are popular, and why teachers welcome Outreach presenters. Making science presentations to students in Grade 1 to 12 is a great way to increase visibility of the professions, enhance understanding of the work of the professions, and promote science, technology and careers in engineering, geology and geophysics.

A wide variety of Outreach activities involve student audiences and help to achieve these goals. Events like school career days, however, occur once a year and sometimes only once every two years.

Students have math and science classes every day. Science curriculum related presentations provide immense opportunities for Outreach volunteers to talk to students not just once but repeatedly throughout their school years. There are important reasons to make these presentations and there are big benefits to students, teachers, the professions and APEGGA.

Common Ground

Science and math curricula are natural fits for Outreach. A quick glance at the science curricula for Grades 1 to 12 reveals numerous matches to engineering and geoscience in every grade.

Students are more curious about science when they understand how it applies to them and their interests. Outreach volunteers show and tell students how the science theory students study is applied to things in every day life. Engineers can explain why they need to know about kinetic energy, structures, forces and gravity when they build roller coasters. Hydrogeologists can explain the science they use to develop safe disposal of hazardous waste. Geophysicists can explain how science enables them to study and predict earthquakes.

Today students learn science through exploration, discovery, problem solving, building, testing, interpretation, observation, communication and teamwork. Engineers and geoscientists use these same skills and tools. Students like fun and cool things. Engineers and geoscientists build and develop cool and fun things. Students like hands-on science and so do Outreach volunteers.

Through their classroom experiences and understanding of curricula, members are better informed and equipped to represent APEGGA and assist Alberta Learning in its evaluation of math and science curricula changes.

Teachers Endorse Program

"The program APEGGA offers the teachers is great! The students benefit so much from the hands-on experiences and the expertise shared by your members." M. Close, Right Honorable Joe Clark School

"I truly appreciate all the hard work that APEGGA and its members do for the school program. Its quality is above reproach and it adds a great deal to my program and to the lives of my students. Thank you for all your time and extraordinary effort."

K.F. Mah, John XXIII Elementary and Junior High School

The presentations volunteers make are valued and of high quality. APEGGA knows this because feedback is gathered from teachers after every classroom presentation. A common comment from teachers is that members help them to better understand and teach science, and that they also learn more about the work of engineers and geoscientists. Repeat users of the program and word-of-mouth referrals keep the program in demand.

Valued and Important Alliances

Outreach has helped APEGGA develop important bonds and ties with education and educators. The Alberta Teachers' Association, the ATA Science Council, the Mathematics Council of the ATA, and Alberta Learning provide support and recognize APEGGA's efforts to help promote science, math, technology and science careers.

APEGGA is grateful to the many Alberta teachers, particularly science and math, who invite engineers and geoscientists into their classrooms. Their feedback on volunteer presentations, shared expertise, and support in all APEGGA education activities have been vital to the growth and quality of the Outreach program.


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