How do I know if my study kit is current?



The following is a list of the material required which can be obtained through the Association offices in Calgary and Edmonton by using The National Professional Practice Examination Literature Order Form.

Basic Kit (for all applicants)

All applicants with the exceptions noted will be tested on the primary literature but the secondary literature will be of interest.

Primary Literature

1. Canadian Professional Engineering and Geoscience: Practice and Ethics — G.C. Andrews.

2. Practical Law of Architecture, Engineering, and Geoscience — 2007, by Samuels & Sanders

3. Industry Booklets:
— A Guide to Patents
— A Guide to Trade-Marks
— A Guide to Industrial Designs
— A Guide to Copyrights

4. The Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act, Regulations
and By-laws including the Code of Ethics, April 2007.

5. Guideline for Ethical Practice v2.1 — June 2005.

6. The Concepts of Professionalism —September 2004.

Secondary Literature

1. Occupational Health and Safety Act of Alberta, Revised Statutes of Alberta
2000, Chapter 0-2, effective May 24, 2006.

2. Royal Bank Letter — "The Soul of Professionalism" Vol. 71, No. 6, December 1990.

3. Basic Learnings in Industrial Safety and Loss Management — ISLMP & APEGGA Publication — January 1998.

Available textbooks focus on engineering but the concepts are also common to the geosciences. The following publication, however, is specific to the practice of geology and geophysics and is available free of charge to geology and geophysics candidates.

The Practice of the Professions of Geology and Geophysics —— APEGGA Publication, Second Edition, March 1990

Portions of the Kit are also available for those who can borrow some of the material and are trying to save some money.