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This year we have contenders from various schools in and around Edmonton. Teams were registered on a first come first serve basis up until January 15th, at that point any schools wishing to register a second team were given the chance to do so, again on a first come first served basis. All 25 spots in each division has been filled. If your school did not make the deadline for registration come down to check out the event. You may get ideas for next year's competition.

Division I


Team Name


Mount Royal Mount Royal School
Junior Einsteins Rutherford School
St. Justin Stars St. Justin
Muriel Martin Wizards Muriel Martin Elementary School
Waverley A Waverley School
Wild Rose Wolves Wild Rose Elementary School
Eagles Eastwood School
Les Fous de Sciences Ecole Notre Dame
New Horizon I New Horizons School
Graminia Greats Graminia School
St. Paul Saints St. Paul
Grandview Grandview Heights School
Aurora 1 Aurora Charter School
James Gibbons Mad Scientists James Gibbons School
Westbrook Westbrook School
St. Augustine St. Augustine
Mary Hanley Atoms Mary Hanley
Bisset Brainiacs Bisset School
St. Bernagette Scientists St. Bernadette
Einsteins Suzuki Charter School
Good Sheperd A Good Shepherd
Good Sheperd B Good Shepherd
Waverley B Waverley School
Frere Antoine Scientists Ecole Frere Antoine School

Division II


Team Name


Mount Royal Mount Royal School
Science Nerds Rutherford School
Muriel Martin Wizards Muriel Martin Elementary School
Glan Allan Wildcats Glen Allan Elementary School
Wild Rose Wolves Wild Rose Elementary School
Waverley Waverley School
St. Justin Heavy Wts St. Justin
Eagles Eastwood School
Uncas Eureka Uncas Elementary School
B.G.I. Brander Gardens School
Gear Heads Landing Trail School
Les Maniacsciences Ecole Notre-Dame
St. Paul Saints St. Paul
New Horizons II New Horizons School
Einstein Ecole Coloniale Estates School
Aurora 2 Aurora Charter School
Grandview Grandview Heights School
James Gibbons Mad Scientists James Gibbons School
Westbrook Westbrook School
St. Augustine St. Augustine
Mary Hanley Quarks Mary Hanley
Bisset Brainiacs Bisset School
Rideau Park Rideau Park School
St. Bernadette Scientists St. Bernadette
Einsteins Suzuki Charter School


Division III


Team Name


Avalon I Avalon Junior School
Mary Butterworth Mary Butterworth School
Gretzky's of Science Lawton School
Stars Ecole Coloniale Estates School
ESSMY A Ecole Secondaire Sainte Marguerite d'Youville
New Horizon III New Horizons School
McKernan Mustangs I McKernan School
Grandview Heights Grandview Heights School
Dan Knott Dan Knott School
Aurora 3 Aurora Charter School
The Knights Kenilworth School
Galvani's Mauraders Londonderry School
Vernon Barfords Blues Vernon Barford School
SCA Eagles Strathcona Christian Academy
Gish Warriors Elmer S Gish School
Boiling Beakers Edmonton Christian School
Victoria Victoria School
Team Ted Steele Heights School
Nellie McClung Atoms Oliver School
Avalon II Avalon Junior School
ESSMY B Ecole Secondaire Sainte Marguerite d'Youville
McKernan Mustangs II McKernan School
McKernan Mustangs III McKernan School
Aurora 4 Aurora Charter School
Mighty Doves Avonmore School


Division IV


Team Name


Paul Kane I Paul Kane High School
Paul Kane II Paul Kane High School
Navigators Archbishop MacDonald
Collectors Archbishop MacDonald
JP II #1 John Paul II High School
M.E. LaZerte I M. E. LaZerte School
M.E. LaZerte II M. E. LaZerte School
Olympians Old Scona School
Geeks Old Scona School
The Quarks W P Wagner School
Beaumont Ecole Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School
Ross Shep I Ross Sheppard School
Ross Shep II Ross Sheppard School
ESSMY Ecole Secondaire Sainte Marguerite d'Youville
JP II #II John Paul II High School
Memorial Marauders Memorial Composite High School
Thunder St. Thomas Aquinas High School
McNally Tigers I McNally School
McNally Tigers II McNally School
McNally Tigers III McNally School
Titans I Harry Ainlay School
Titans II Harry Ainlay School
Victoria Victoria School
Scona I Strathcona School
The Barons Louis St. Laurent

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