Terri-Jane Yuzda


New Calgary Branch Executive
Back row, standing: (from left) Duane Peperkorn, E.I.T.; Chad Singh, E.I.T.; Dr. Ron Hinds, P.Geoph.; Ian Squires, P.Eng., vice-chair; John Pastega, P.Eng.; Sheldon Douglas, P.Eng.; Ali Esmail, P.Eng.;Laura Ferguson, P.Geol.; Bradley Mersereau, P.Eng.; Anil Gupta, P.Eng.; and Francis Chan, P.Eng.
Front row, seated: Terry Cooper, P.Eng., treasurer; Judith Lentin, P.Geol., chair; Steve Wyton, P.Eng., past chair; Tibor Kaldor, P.Eng., secretary.
Missing: Irfan Ahmad, P.Eng.

Kyoto, A new Office and More

Calgary Branch Chair

The Calgary Branch has been busy over the past year. The meetings committee has organized six professional development evenings, a public forum on the Kyoto Protocol that attracted more than 300, and 13 luncheon meetings with speakers.

Our annual Calgary Flames Hockey night brought out 60 members who watched their team suffer defeat to Edmonton.

We also had the grand opening of the new office in Calgary. The new space provides excellent rooms for the presentation of professional development courses.

Our final big event of the year is the annual golf tournament in August. There are places for 144 participants in the event.

Calgary was also the site of the APEGGA Mentoring Pilot Project. With the participation of eight companies, the Mentoring Committee provided seminars and developed a new handbook for mentoring. Because of financial constraints a full scale mentoring program for all APEGGA members is not possible. However, the Mentoring Committee has been busy developing a website within the APEGGA Web page where potential mentors and their protégés may register to find a partner. All the documents developed over the past two years by the committee to help facilitate the mentoring process will be downloadable for AGEGGA members.

The website should be available within the next three months simply by clicking on the Mentoring tab at www.apegga.org. You will be required to provide your APEGGA membership number to participate.

APEGGA members living in the Calgary region are invited to volunteer to work with the Calgary branch in the many available roles, from the meetings of committees to the judging of science fairs. We also need people to talk about their profession at schools. Call the Calgary Branch Office at (403) 262-7714 to volunteer.

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