Date of Decision: May 7, 2004

IN THE MATTER OF the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act

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IN THE MATTER OF the conduct of Paul, D. Salvian, P.Eng., and 976948 Alberta Ltd. (operating as Western Engineering) regarding fire protection system services provided at Tracer Industries, Edmonton, Alberta.

CASE MANAGER Bruce Alexander, P.Eng.

MEMBER Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng.
976948 Alberta Ltd. ("Western Engineering")


During the course of an investigation conducted by APEGGA's Investigative Committee into the conduct of Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng. and 976948 Alberta Ltd. ("Western Engineering") concerning services provided to Tracer Industries of Edmonton, Alberta, Mr. Salvian had freely and voluntarily admitted and agreed with the attached facts and findings presented by the Investigative Committee.

Since Mr. Salvian has admitted to conduct that constitutes unskilled practice and unprofessional conduct, there is no need to refer the matter to the Discipline Committee for a formal hearing. In accordance with Section 52 of the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act, APEGGA's Investigative Committee is recommending the attached orders that it considers appropriate.

As the case manager designated by the Discipline Committee to review the matter, I agree with those orders. During my discussion of the orders with Mr. Salvian, he confirmed that he, also, agrees with the orders.

Therefore, in accordance with Section 52 of the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act, the orders have the same force and effect as if they had been made by the Discipline Committee following a formal hearing.

Dated this 7th day of May, 2004 at Edmonton, Alberta.

Bruce Alexander, P.Eng.
Case Manager, Discipline Committee


TAKE NOTICE that the Investigative Committee of The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta has concluded an investigation into your conduct in relation to signing and sealing drawings, design information documents, and calculations for a fire protection system for a building extension for Tracer Industries, Edmonton, Alberta.

AS A RESULT of its investigation and based on the evidence and information that has come to the attention of the Investigative Committee, the Investigative Committee proposes the following findings:


1. At all material times Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., has been a Professional Engineer registered in good standing with APEGGA.

2. At all material times 976948 Alberta Ltd. has been a permit holder registered in good standing with APEGGA.

3. In or about May, 2002, Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., and 976948 Alberta Ltd. were engaged to review drawings and calculations related to a fire protection system for a building extension for Tracer Industries in Edmonton, Alberta.

4. At some time between May 28, 2002 and June 17, 2002, Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., reviewed the drawings provided to him by the client, Fire-Tech, and noted a number of deficiencies.

5. On or about June 17, 2002, Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., and 976948 Alberta Ltd. applied their professional seal and permit stamp respectively to the drawings and calculations aforesaid, notwithstanding that:

a. The drawings and calculations contained numerous deficiencies and did not meet Code requirements;
b. Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., was aware that the drawings and calculations contained serious deficiencies that would pose safety concerns if uncorrected;
c. Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., did not adequately ensure the correctness of sprinkler head operation, sprinkler system calculations, sprinkler systems generally and the applicable codes in respect of the relevant project;
d. Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., reviewed but did not supervise preparation of the drawings, nor perform calculations to determine the sprinkler pipe sizes;
e. Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., was not informed of the intended use of all areas of the building.

6. Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., signed Schedule C-2 on August 12, 2002, and caused it to be issued August 14, 2002, indicating that the fire protection system complied with all applicable Codes, notwithstanding that:

a. There were deficiencies not identified on the certificate schedule C2 that still existed; and

b. He did so without an adequate inspection of the installation during construction."

7. On June 26, 2002, the mechanical consultant for the project filed a complaint with APEGGA respecting the conduct of Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., and 976948 Alberta Ltd.

8. On July 18, 2002, Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., stamped revised calculations on this project and submitted them to the mechanical consultant, Nowak Engineering Ltd. The revised calculations were deficient in that:

a. They did not meet Code requirements, and
b. They were incorrect.


1. The conduct of Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., and 976948 Alberta Ltd. constitutes unskilled practice in the following respects:

a. In applying the professional seal and permit stamp to drawings and calculations that contained numerous deficiencies and did not meet Code requirements, thereby acting in contravention of APEGGA Code of Ethics Rules of Conduct #1 and #2;

b. In submitting revised calculations which did not meet Code requirements and which contained errors, thereby acting in contravention of APEGGA Code of Ethics Rules of Conduct #1 and #2.

2. That the conduct of Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., and 976948 Alberta Ltd. constitutes unprofessional conduct in the following respects:

a. Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., signed and sealed drawings and calculations, notwithstanding that he had not prepared the drawings and calculations, nor supervised their preparation, nor thoroughly reviewed them, thereby acting in contravention of APEGGA Code of Ethics Rule of Conduct #3;

b. Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., applied his professional seal and signature to drawings and calculations knowing that they did not meet Code requirements and that they contained numerous deficiencies, thereby acting in contravention of APEGGA Code of Ethics Rule of Conduct #2;

c. Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., and 976948 Alberta Ltd. did not act as faithful agents or trustees for their client, thereby acting in contravention of APEGGA Code of Ethics Rule of Conduct #4.


1. That Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., and 976948 Alberta Ltd. be reprimanded.

2. That Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., successfully complete the examinations appended hereto as Schedule “A” and forming part of this Order, within three (3) years of the date of this Order.

3. That Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., successfully complete the Professional Practice exam within twelve (12) months of the date of this Order.

4. That Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., practice under the supervision of a Professional Engineer commencing immediately upon finalization of this Order for such period until he has successfully completed the requirements of Order #2 within, plus a further 3 years following successful completion of Order #2, such professional member to be nominated by the Investigative Committee and as the Discipline Committee may approve and upon such terms as the Investigative Committee may recommend and the Discipline Committee may approve, such supervision to be at the cost of Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng.

5. That the registration of Paul D. Salvian, P.Eng., be suspended if Orders #2, #3, and #4, are not complied with until such time as those Orders are complied with.

NOTE: This decision is published in accordance with an APEGGA Council policy that requires publication in The PEGG of all discipline decisions.

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