
working with you to
ensure compliance

public safety and well-being

APEGGA strives to protect the public from those who falsely work as, or claim to be, professional engineers, geologists or geophysicists or permit-holding entities.

APEGGA's Compliance Department is concerned with non-licensed and non-qualified persons, including corporations. Its job is to ensure that these groups do not engage in the practice of engineering, geology or geophysics; or even hold themselves out as qualified to do so. That way, members of the public can have confidence that when they retain an individual or company using these titles, they are receiving advice from fully-qualified,experienced and licensed professionals.

APEGGA's activities are both proactive and reactive. We look for offences, and act when contraventions are brought to our attention. Efforts are focused on investigating Member and public complaints, as well as identifying actual and suspected violations by examining a number of data and information sources, such as the Alberta Gazette, newspaper articles, career pages, telephone and business directories and out-of-province Member lists.

Once a potential violation is brought to our attention, an investigation is conducted to determine whether the issue is a practice violation, a title violation, or both. In most cases, the violation is resolved by staff. Cases which are more complex, or those that require legal action, are reviewed with APEGGA's Enforcement Review Committee.


If I make a complaint to APEGGA regarding an individual or company using a restricted title and/or holding out in any other manner to practice engineering, geology or geophysics in Alberta, may I remain anonymous?

We strive to obtain voluntary compliance with The Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act. In this situation, the name of the complainant is not revealed. If, on rare occasion, the case should require legal action, the complainant may be called as a witness.

We appreciate those complainants who do identify themselves in case we need clarification. Without a contact name, we may not be able to pursue a complaint if there are complications.


If I am a Professional Member in an association in another province or territory, am I entitled to practice engineering and/or use the designation in Alberta if I specify the association? ie P.Eng. (APEGS)

No, registration is required to practice and/or use the designation in Alberta. This is the case with the majority of associations in Canada, as each has its own provincial or territorial statute.


Does a Professional Member or licensee of APEGGA who practices under his own name require a permit to practice?

An individual can practice as a sole proprietor without a permit to practice. If this same individual practices through a company, however, then the company requires a permit to practice - even though the Member is the only Professional Member involved.


What title am I authorized to use as an Engineer-in-Training, Geologist-in-Training or Geophysicist-Training?

Members-in-Training may use the title Engineer-in-Training, Geologist-in-Training, Geophysicist-in Training or the accepted designations M.I.T., E.I.T., Geol.I.T. or Geoph.I.T. Members-in-Training are able to hold job titles that include the word "engineer," "geologist" or "geophysicist" provided they include the appropriate designation.

Compliant job titles include:

  • John Jones, E.I.T., Project Engineer

  • Jane Smith, Geol.I.T., Field Geologist

  • Jim Johnson, Geoph.I.T., Jr. Geophysicist

Members-in-Training are not entitled to use the designations P.Eng., P.Geol. or P.Geoph. until they completed four years of experience, pass their professional practice exams and been granted professional status by APEGGA.


Which APEGGA Members can act as guarantors for passport applications?

Professional Engineers (P.Eng.,), Geologists (P.Geol.) and Geophysicists (P.Geoph.), as well as Life Members, are entitled to act as guarantors for passport applications for Canadians living in Canada. Registered Professional Technologists (R.P.T.) are currently not on the federal government's list of eligible guarantors for passport applications.


APEGGA's authority comes from The Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act (EGGP Act). The Compliance Department is responsible for administering Part (1) of the EGGP Act, which includes sections relating to the exclusive use of titles and right to practice, and provides the necessary legislation for the department to do its work. The message in these sections clearly states that registration with APEGGA is required for the following :

  • individuals who use the designations "P.Eng.," "P.Geol.," and/or "P.Geoph." on business cards, correspondence and other materials

  • individuals whose job title includes the word "engineer," "geologist," or "geophysicist," such as Software Engineer, Junior Geologists and Senior Geophysicist

  • companies that include the word "engineering," "geology," "geophysics" or any variation of these words in their corporate name

  • individuals and/or entities who hold themselves out in any other way to imply that they are entitled to practice one or all of the professions in the province of Alberta

Offenders have three options to avoid legal proceedings:

  • seek registration with APEGGA

  • change the title or corporate name that is in violation of the EGGP Act

  • cease practicing


For more information, or to report a violation, visit the Regulatory Affairs section of our website ... here or contact:

Director, Compliance
The Association of Professional Engineers,
Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta
Head Office
1500 Scotia One
10060 Jasper Avenue NW
Edmonton AB T5J 4A2

Ph: (780) 426-3990
Fax: (780) 423-4666
Toll Free: 1-800-661-7020
email: email@apegga.org